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Szczepionka a rozsiewanie wirusa

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14 242
Infidel 14 242
07.12.2021, 18:01

Ciekawy development od Kings College.

The findings, published last week in the eClinical Medicine journal, show there is no way to tell if the symptoms are from the disease or an adverse reaction to the shot unless a screening test is taken. Researchers at King’s College London have raised concerns that the recently vaccinated could be inadvertently spreading the virus, thinking their symptoms were from the jab.

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#107.12.2021, 18:32

Jezeli materiał źródłowy pochodzi z FB albo z YouTube,to nie ma mocy prawnej.

Zresztą,czekamy teraz na opinie naszego doktora z Palestyny.

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#207.12.2021, 18:38

Dzygit mówi o sobie w liczbie mnogiej. Stary komuch.

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#307.12.2021, 18:39

Tylko nie stary!

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