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svq3 health and social care

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20.03.2014, 17:38

witam.czy ktos robil svq3 ,health and social care? ja nie wiem jak sie za to zabrac.jezeli ktos moze pomoc prosze o kontakt na maila.pozdrawiam

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#123.03.2014, 19:27

A jakiego masz maila???? ja to robie mam 4 unity zrobione i cross reference na pozostale 4 ,ale czekam za nowym assesorem .wiec jak cos potrzebujesz to daj znac

#224.03.2014, 09:27

moj mail [email protected] .dzięki

army81 4
#320.03.2015, 21:54

czy nadal mozecie pomoc..wlasnie zaczynam 3?

army81 4
#420.03.2015, 21:55

czy nadal mozecie pomoc..wlasnie zaczynam 3?

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#521.03.2015, 03:17

w svq 2-3 czy 4 jest prosta zasada .
Napisać reflective account wpisać w niego jak najwięcej kłamstw aby pokryć punkty w danym temacie i tyle .
Jak będziesz czekać na assesora to możesz sie nie doczekać .
Napisz dokładnie jakie masz unity i co potrzebujesz.
Albo powiedz ze potrzebujesz reflective acount.

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#621.03.2015, 03:20

HSC 33
In my company is many systems to support me . Available support for me are My team

leader , Home manager, Development and training manager. I Also can get information

from the internet , from magazines about care .I can also get help and advice from

outside services like Scottish social services council .On my supervision I will discuss

any problem I had with my work practice. I had resident who was getting very

aggressive and try slap me in the face without any reason. On my last supervision I told

that I feel anxious when I'm near this resident. Me and my team leader we discussed

what I feel was the possible trigger for this behavior and how to avoid this situations

next time. I concluded that he try slap me when another career entered to his room

and I don’t pay attention when he was talking to me .We decided that best will be to

make one –to-one conversation with this resident in his room and put on his doors

information that he is busy, That he don’t get upset. Any priorities aspect of my

practice that I need to enhance. I discussed on my supervision If I feel that I need

some training to enhance my skills I ask my team leader if any training is available Or I

can check on web page e-learning pro before attending supervision for any courses

available also I can contact with my development and training manager And if any

courses I feel will enhance my knowledge and practice ,I ask if I can attend. Also My

svq level 3 is discussed in my supervision, as a part of my SVQ I chosen Unit HSC 375

Administer medication to individuals. To help myself to complete this unit I had applied

to attend A safe handling of medicines curse through west college Scotland. Also I

having mandatory training which my company Must providing like fire safety, Moving

and handling , my manager is responsible to provide for me all mandatory training as he

is accountable to outside inspectorate bodies for ensuring that all staff working in care

sector all fully trained.IS my responsibility to attend mandatory trainings but If I

not attend on mandatory trainings I can be putted on disciplinary action By my


Evidence Gathering Form Version 2, January 2007

I reflect on and analyse my competency, effectiveness and safe practice routinely,

especially when I provide support for residents and key people. This is discussed on my

one-to-one supervisions and appraisals. I discuss with my team leader various skill areas

one to assess how effectively I am working and what developments I can make. These

supervisions include workload (quantity, allotted time, duties), concerns and team issues

(work relationships, rotas, communication), new ideas in service user care, commitment

to my work and attitude. I discuss with my team Leader how I am undertaking my work

in regards to my Professional Qualification SVQ level 3 in social care. After my

supervision my team leader completes a supervision record, I then review it and sign it

if I believe it is a true record. I then get a copy of the supervision for my records and

the original is kept in my file in a locked drawer where only my team leader or Home

Manager has access. This is due to data protection act 1998, and confidentiality

policies and legislation.Apart from my supervision I also have every sixmouths

appraisal, where I and my team leader we check in my performance and set goals for

next appraisal. On the next appraisal my team leader checking my progress and at end

he do development scores in Teamwork, initiative, communication, leadership, ability to

develop others, conduct.After this my team leader set goals for me and my future

training and any development I can do to improve my work .

On my supervision I and my team leader we discuss how well I practise and what can be

improved .How I feel my work is going and what I feel that I need to improve my work.

After discussion I Normally asking for particular learning and development curse to

improve my knowledge and practice. Any outcomes of my work and all process I do this

not just on on-to-on supervision and my appraisal but on a daily basis. As a new senior

carer in my unit .I constantly ask my team leader on other nurses for their advice and

opinions on my work process .I ask for advice and help to guide me where I’m not sure

what to do in new task.

When see residents sometimes I will ask them about my work I seek constructive

feedback to enable me to develop my practice if they have got any concerns like One

of the residents told me that I’m speaking to fast and I do not have time for chat with

them. I welcome this comments ,as I never realise that .We talked about this and we

agreement that we be have protected time in private place any time they want speak

with me. I working as a senior care worker and have contact with key people like

Doctors ,social workers all feedbacks from them would come through my team leader

on my supervision or appraisal. Also in Staff meeting have open discussion and

comments I ask team members about my work for a positive but also if need negative

feedback.Is a best way for me to improve my practice .Also during my shift we

Evidence Gathering Form Version 2, January 2007

talking and ask each other opinions if we got any issues to our work. I getting

feedback on my practice during my daily work from my team leader or nurse in charge

.I prefer to be told directly if any of my work practice are not with line with National

care standards , code of practice and legislation and my company polices. I was ask by

junior member of staff about a peg feed but I did not had any knowledge about this I

needed training . I ask my team leader for supervision and on the supervision I ask for

a training about peg feed to develop and enhance my practice .

I continually monitor and evaluate also I reflect on my Knowledge and skills On a daily

base and on my appraisal. By appraisal I ensuring my personal and professional

development. I have a appraisal every six months I meet my team leader and we

discussing what can be Dane to rise my development and skills and we set goals for me

to do them. And on next appraisal me and my team leader we checking what I achieved

in my personal development and we set new goals for my future training.

In my company is many systems to support me . Available support for me are My team

leader , Home manager, Development and training manager. I Also can get information

from the internet , from magazines about care .I can also get help and advice from

outside services like Scottish social services council .On my supervision I will discuss

any problem I had with my work practice. I had resident who was getting very

aggressive and try slap me in the face without any reason. On my last supervision I told

that I feel anxious when I'm near this resident. Me and my team leader we discussed

what I feel was the possible trigger for this behaviour and how to avoid this situations

next time. I concluded that he try slap me when another career entered to his room

and I don’t pay attention when he was talking to me .We decided that best will be to

make one –to-one conversation with this resident in his room and put on his doors

information that he is busy, That he don’t get upset. Any prioritise aspect of my

practice that I need to enhance. I discussed on my supervision If I feel that I need

some training to enhance my skills I ask my team leader if any training is available Or I

can check on web page e-learning pro for any courses available also I can contact with

my development and training manager And if any courses I feel will enhance my

knowledge and practice ,I ask if I can attend. Also My svq level 3 is discussed in my

supervision, as a part of my SVQ I chosen Unit HSC 375 Administer medication to

individuals. To help myself to complete this unit I had applied to attend A safe handling

of medicines curse through west college Scotland. Also I having mandatory training

which my company Must providing like fire safety, Moving and handling , my manager is

responsible to provide for me all mandatory training as he is accountable to outside

inspectorate bodies for ensuring that all staff working in care sector all fully

trained.IS my responsibility to attend mandatory trainings but If I not attend on

mandatory trainings I can be putted on disciplinary action By my manager.

Evidence Gathering Form Version 2, January 2007

My attitude and behaviour I do this every day and on my supervision ,With my team

leader I discuss my behaviour, and my performance .We discuss how I use codes of

practice ,National care standards and any problems Like My sickness and time keeping.

Sometimes I discuss my experiences and personal Beliefs that I feel affect my work. I

know that personal beliefs should not disturb my work. One of the issue was that every

Friday we having a two dishes which offering a meet for the lunch in our Care home I

personally don’t eat meet on Friday for this reason I cannot order lunch for myself .I

discussed this with my team leader who Put the problem on Manager level after that

other food I available on Friday not just a meet. Another issue was that one of my

colleague in work is a Muslim and when he going on his break he always coming late

because he prey due to his salat time .Salat times refers to times

when Muslims perform prayers that had effect on my work .Again this was discussed at

the monthly team meeting and problem was resolved.

2 144
karpio30 2 144
#721.03.2015, 05:24

ja wlasnie koncze svq4 w h&social care I sie kurw nie moge tego doczekac!!

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#821.03.2015, 08:33


tak zle z assesorem?

2 144
karpio30 2 144
#921.03.2015, 10:06

nie najgorzej ale kobita sciemnia lekko z odpowiedziami i feedbackiem. Robie juz to od roku i miesiaca praktycznie i mnie huj strzela bo nie moge sie doczekac konca.
Ty masz 4 zrobiona GP.Enzo ?

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#1021.03.2015, 12:48

Znam to z praktyki obserwacje pisze i odaje 4 tygodnie ,spotkanie po 1h co 2 lub 3 tygodnie masakra z nimi heheh .Odpuściłem 4 lvl na razie bo zaczynam par-time nursing i szkoda czasu na lvl 4.

2 144
karpio30 2 144
#1121.03.2015, 13:01

ja mysle ze lvl4 bedzie czyms potrzebnm , jak najbardziej jesli planujesz kariere seniora lub managment. Bardzo monotonne to svq4 ale wiekszosc pracodoawcow wymaga rejestracji w SSSC tak jak to jest w moim przypadku wiec nie mam wyjscia. a ze jestem supervisorem to lvl4 z modulem dla managmentu jest przymusem

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#1221.03.2015, 16:04

Jako senior care worker możesz z svq 3 ale musisz dorobić PDA z Supervison.Jak caly czas smigam na svq 3 jako TL

army81 4
#1321.03.2015, 20:07

dziekuje za odpowiedz zaczynam wlasnie, najpierw robie 4 mandatory
moj email to [email protected] dziekuje juz za zas za pomoc

2 144
karpio30 2 144
#1422.03.2015, 05:53

ja inna profesja Enzo, housing officer with supervisory, line management duties.
army 81 svq to raczej nie da sie sciagnac itd , poprostu piszesz w oparciu o wlasne doswiadczenia z pracy itd oczywiscie nakierowujac na to co chca zebys im udowodnil.

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#1524.03.2015, 22:45

army 81
Podaj jakie to unity bo wiem ze na poczatku roku wchodzily zmiany z svq.
Przygotuj soie duzo cierpliwosci no chyba ze masz super assesora ;)).

army81 4
#1631.03.2015, 17:45

learning disability, medication, care plan, end of life , health and safety, communication

392 1
GP.Enzo 392 1
#1731.03.2015, 21:10

o to zesz sobie wybrał same gwiazdki hehe, medication mam na pewno health and safety i communication mozesz zrobic przez cross references .

Profil nieaktywny
#1831.03.2015, 22:07

svq leve3, 20-30 pensów więcej na godzinę i tyle samo pup do podtarcia:-)) czy to svq2 czy też 3 ta sama zabawa z kałem i moczem, o innych aspektach pracy carera nie wspomnę.

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