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Od wtorku popierdzielamy w maskach

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4 828
23.04.2020, 22:00
4 828
#123.04.2020, 22:11

male sprostowanie, nie od wtorku (pomylilem brudek na ekranie z przecinkiem ) ale pewnie juz na dniach

"The UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies or SAGE, will today make recommendations to ministers as to whether to advise the public to wear face masks. The Sun revealed on Tuesday the advice will be for the population to wear masks when going outside.

However, there are some caveats. One major problem of telling the population to wear masks is that this will reduce supply of personal protective equipment to the NHS. To get around this, SAGE will recommend people wear something as simple as a scarf or piece of clothing instead. Furthermore the advice will not be to wear a mask in public at all times, for example in a park or quiet street there is little utility in wearing a mask. But in offices, busy streets and shops, it is far more likely to stop the spread of the virus.

The WHO says only sick people and those caring for coronavirus patients should wear face masks. The reasons for this are that they can be contaminated by other people’s coughs, and when taking them off on and on. Also they are less effective than social distancing and washing your hands."

mankiet 30
#224.04.2020, 00:17


camperboy 208
#324.04.2020, 08:36

Chodzenie w maskach niczego nie daje. Po kilkunastu minutach zaczyna zbierać się wilgoć i zaczynamy zbierać jeszcze więcej syfu.

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#424.04.2020, 08:50

Ale tutaj robiá to dla bezpieczenstwa,przynajmniej na razie.

Maske zakladac tam gdzie duzo ludzi.W parku czy na pustej ulicy mozna bez.

A w kraju nad Wislá zrobil z tego maszynke do trzepania kasiory.Milicja i straz miejska namietnie wypatrujá tych bez masek,i po 500zl...

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#524.04.2020, 09:17
4 739
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#624.04.2020, 09:19

Zaczynam sobie szyc "model Dr.Orlando". Nawet ladnie brzmi :) Chociaz kitka mi sie nie splaszczy

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#724.04.2020, 09:49

Przypomina mi się scena z Naga Broń,jak sie kochali w tych dwóch condomach

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