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Praca Takeway jakie ubezpieczenie trzeba miec?

Temat zamknięty
26.11.2016, 13:03


Mozecie podpowiedziec czy potrzebuje dodatkowe ubezpieczenie na samochod zebym mogl jezdzic w Takeaway?

3 057
ChaoticBiker 3 057
#126.11.2016, 14:16

Business use.

SD&P +commuting nie wystarcza (o czym juz pewnie wiesz)

W sumie to nie jest "dodatkowe", tylko "rozszerzone".

3 057
ChaoticBiker 3 057
#226.11.2016, 14:26

business class 3 zdaje sie.

#326.11.2016, 14:31

Wlasnie mowili mi ze moje nie wystarcza...wiec wystarczy zmienic ,ale powiem Ci ze kontaktowalem sie z moja ubezpieczalnia i pytalem sie czy "business use" pokrywa deliverke po czym powiedzial ze nie.Poradzil mi zebym skontaktowal sie z firma specjalizujaca sie w delivery driver.Zdziwilem sie bo maja u siebie business use opcje.

3 057
ChaoticBiker 3 057
#426.11.2016, 14:34

A najlepiej ustal ze swoim ubezpieczycielem, bo czytajac forum to tylko sie zamieszac mozna, i chyba food delivery to jest osobna klasa ubezpieczenia

3 057
ChaoticBiker 3 057
#526.11.2016, 14:35

Ano wlasnie czytam fora moneysupermarket i confused i wlasnie ponoc trzeba znalezc ubezpieczyciela, ktory wlascie konkretnie wpisze food delivery driver

#626.11.2016, 14:41

Assuming Drivers Have Their Own Cover is No Defence

It is often assumed that food delivery drivers will obtain their own insurance when using their own vehicle for deliveries. However, standard private motor insurance policies do not normally cover the drivers’ business use of their vehicles — typically they will only provide cover for social, domestic and pleasure use. However, even if the driver requests a business use extension on their policy, the stated business use may not cover fast food delivery.

Hire and Reward Insurance

Drivers must extend their private car insurance policies with the purchase of a hire and reward use, in a similar fashion to a taxi or courier. Hire and reward use covers a driver’s liability when something is delivered from one place to another for a fee, including when delivering food. Unless the insurer is specifically told that the driver is undertaking deliveries and attaches the proper hire and reward extension for delivery use, the driver is likely to be driving without proper cover and at risk of prosecution.

#826.11.2016, 14:42

No wlasnie dzieki za linka..

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