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Sorry ale Borysek nie bedzie placil wszystkim pracujacym

Temat zamknięty
Profil nieaktywny
30.03.2020, 16:55

Jak wyzej:

To jest email ktory otrzymalam:

Dostalam emaila z mojej bylej agencji kto moze otrzymac kase za to ze firma zostala zamknieta z powodu wirusa...

We hope you are all well in these difficult times.

Further to an update from our trade association today, it has been confirmed that agency workers are eligible for the Job Retention Scheme, however there are criteria which need to be met. This criteria is set out below:

You have been in a continuous assignment where you are expected to return following a furlough period.

You must have been paid wages by our agency in February 2020. Workers who started at the end of February or in March 2020 and had not received wages payments by the end of February 2020 from our agency, would unfortunately not be eligible.

We are currently seeking further details from our trade association and will be in touch shortly with those people who do qualify.

As we are currently still working through these new guidelines whilst operating remotely, please bear with us and we will contact you if you have qualified as soon as we have further information.

Kind regards

2 942
sheen1 2 942
#18102.04.2020, 16:02

drewna różnej maści mam w c.uj, za makaron możemy się dogadać, jak nie to na zbudowanie Arki zostawię, ile czasu broda rośnie? ala Noah?

4 828
#18202.04.2020, 16:27

ile czasu broda rośnie? ala Noah?

kwarantanna bedzie trwala wystarczajaco dlugo :D

Profil nieaktywny
#18302.04.2020, 18:34

No ta rure chce odizolowac taka mufka z pianki, moze sie nie bedzie juz pocic, a sciany nie bede wymienial na jakies jachtowe sklejki, pomaluje I juz, zreszta u mnie nie zadne palace...

Profil nieaktywny
Konto usunięte
#18402.04.2020, 20:10

Ej , Zbytnik . Ja ci powiem - ty se zapusc " KABARET STARSZYCH PANOW",potem "ALTERNATYWY4"...i ze smiechu rura sie przestanie pocic . Baranie(to dla zartu,bez focha , nie)

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