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Cosmic : Indigenous S.O.S. Benefit Project Launch

Temat zamknięty
14.10.2010, 18:41

Pink Tricks (Edinburgh)
Rowan (Planet Monkey)
Dark el kante (Random Rec., 6D-Soundz)
DiscoOrdination (Planet Monkey)
Flow (Planet Monkey)
UV Decor by Planet Monkey, Random and Timelord
Special UV Dance Performance by Pyrokatz

-door tax £6/£4 before 12-

*Indigenous S.O.S. Benefit Project x3CD (Random Records)
A 3cd album created to support the Cofan indigenous refugees in Colombia who lost their land and natural way of life in a fight with the government and the north-american oil companies.
It will be on sale for just £6 at the door!
More info:
or get the cd in online shops like:

Dla wszystkich wielbicieli dobrego psytrance'u prawdziwa uczta, przy tym ostatni Random, więc warto :)

1 503
#114.10.2010, 18:57

A, jeszcze kawałek:

Dear Cosmic galactic space warriors.... Planet Monkey would like to invite

you all to the prestigious release of the first CD box set of Random Records at

Studio 24 this Friday the 15th of October. The night has also officially been

proclaimed a 70's sci-fi porn themed dresscode so please bring light sabers

and thongs and any other space traveller gear along as well... Profits from the

night will be donated to the Indigenous SOS project details of which follow.

The line-up will be:

11-12 - DiscoOrdination (Planet Monkey)

12-1 - Flow (Planet Monkey

1-2 - Dark el Kante (Random Records, 6D-Soundz)

2-3 - Rowan (Planet Monkey)

all DJs will be playing some of the tunes from the CD throughout the night

which will, (fingers crossed) be on sale for the special reduced price of £6 for one

night only depending on whether it arrives from the printers on time.

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2 348
jubei 2 348
#212.11.2010, 19:42

a gdzie to bo nigdzie nie napisane ...

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