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Ciekawy artykuł - Home Business

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G_14 443
03.03.2012, 08:29

Dzień dobry :) Poniżej załączam artykuł, ciekawy z uwagi na słownictwo ale rownież treść. Podyskutujemy? :)

Planning Your Work From Home Business

When deciding to build your work from home business you need to be clear on a few things. First, decide what it is that you want your business to do for you. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Are you building it to replace a full time income so that you can walk away from a job? Or just to earn extra income to cover some bills, take a great vacation or buy a car?
  • Do you want to work less hours and earn more than you do now?
  • How much does your business need to produce to give you that level of income?
  • What do you want it to look like when you reach your goal?
  • Will you be actively involved or just manage the business?
  • What kind of time commitment are you willing to give it?

Way too many people start a business with stars in their eyes and dreams of money raining down on them. But they never really think ahead to plan their success. What’s the old saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably never get there!” Nothing could be more true in your work from home business.

By failing to plan, we plan to fail! Know where you’re going and what it will take to get you there. Construct your own road map or find someone to follow. Failure to hit the “Target”, is never the fault of the target!


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