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język szkocki

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Domhnall 581
13.12.2008, 22:59

słowa, zwroty, wszystko co z językiem szkockim jest związane.

1 194
staryjanek 1 194
#3131.07.2009, 20:32

No language is 100% pure, and as such does not borrow some words etc from other languages.
English is full of borrowed terms ,words & expressions, from French and German most commonly.

Indeed the Polish language also has "borrowed" items, ie the word "pech" misfortune, is actually a word of German origin. However, by the same token, you would strongly defend the case that Polish is a distinct language, and you would be right to do so.

The fact that Scots has elements from many Germanic/Nordic languages, does not negate it's calim to be a distinct language in it's own right.

1 194
staryjanek 1 194
#3231.07.2009, 20:47

Is Scots a dialect or a language?

German is considered to be a single language,but, there are dialects of German that is not mutually understandable by all German nationlas, so do wee consider German a language OR a collection of mutually understandable dialects ? However, we know that some regional dialects of German are NOT understood by ALL Germans, so do we consider these as seperate languages ?

Product information taken from the packaging of a Philips energy saving lamp, in Danish, Norwegian, Czech and Slovak.

Kan ikke brukes i forbindelse med dimme utstyr eller elektronisk av og på mekanismer. Ikke egnet til bruk i helt lukkede armaturer.

Kan ikke bruges i forbindelse med lysdæmper og elektronisk tænd-sluk-ur. Ikke egnet til helt lukkede armaturer.

Nevhodné pre stmievanie, elektronické spínanie, pre fotobunky casové spínanie a senzory snímania intenzity svetla. Nevhodné prevádzkovat‘ v úplne uzavretých svietidlách.

Nevhodné pro stmívání, elektronické spínání, fotobunky. Casoá zarízeni a stmívací cidla. Nevhodné k použití do hermeticky uzavrených svítidel.

Which is the language, which the dialect?

We can see that there are considerable similarities if not mutual understanding between the first pair of the examples, and indeed between the second pair.

So are these seperate languages or dialects ?

3 112 107
siedem 3 112 107
#3331.07.2009, 21:08

czyli jesli mówimy o jézyku którym poslugujá sie wspólczesni Szkoci jest to jednak dialekt . Czyli pewna regionalna odmiana angielskiego . Podejrzewam ze stary " Scots " i " old English" majá sie tak do siebie wlasnie jak Norweski do Dunskiego czy Czeski do Slowackiego .
Swojá drogá to ciekawy opis tego jak powstawaly te stare odmiany jezykowe . W zasadzie to obecny angielski powstal chyba w duzym na bazie Francuskiego tez przez Normanów .
Chyba kazdy jézyk ma jakies obce wplywy . Ale mysle ze jesli jézyk ksztaltowal sié na przestrzeni wieków to stawal sié samoistnym jézykiem w koncu . Jesli natomiast proces ten nastepowal w krótkim czasie to moim zdaniem jest to zlepek jézyków czyli dialekt . Takim dialektem jest np. Spainenglish.

1 194
staryjanek 1 194
#3431.07.2009, 21:29

nie nie, the original Scots langauage is NOT spoken now, in the present day. Why ? bo it was suppressed and discriminated against by the dominant language within the United Kingdom, English, for the last 400 years.

I agree that the language that most of the Scottish population now speaks is a dialect of English.

However, the original language "Scots" must be considered a distinct language in it's own right.

There has been a rennaissance in interest in the "Scots" language, especially since the middle of the last century.
It may be in the future that the Scots language regains it's former position, however, sadly I doubt it. :0(

spadam do pubu, nara janek

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#3510.12.2009, 20:15

I wouldn't dare to say that the Scots is a weak, insignificant dialect...actually I think something quite opposite;D

In my opinion it's very powerful and distinctive no doubt about it.

Pozdrawiam Cie Janku:D

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#3610.12.2009, 21:20
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#3710.12.2009, 21:26
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#3810.12.2009, 21:26

To ponizej lepsze i w dodatku klasyka Scottish twang;D

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#3910.12.2009, 21:28
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#4010.12.2009, 21:31
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#4110.12.2009, 21:32

Jest jeszcze jedno dobre zrodlo "szkockiej mowy";D

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#4210.12.2009, 21:34
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#4310.12.2009, 21:35

I już przestan wklejac tych weegie buggers ( very often they are NED's by the way )

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#4410.12.2009, 21:40

A to nie Szkoci?

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#4510.12.2009, 21:41

Nedy czy nie ...

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#4610.12.2009, 21:44
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#4710.12.2009, 22:56
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